Monday, January 26, 2009


I looked at my last post date and laughed out loud. I haven't posted anything in almost a month, and people have probably stopped looking to see what's new.

Well, here's what I'm up to.

I'm beginning week 4 of 10 of the quarter. Which is really cool and really sad at the same time, because it means that I have seven weeks left to rock the socks off of my senior history paper. I still feel like I have so much to do and so little time in which to do it, considering that I have another upper division history course I'm taking, the reading of which I have completely neglected, and a GUR geology class, which is really just making me paranoid about the massive earthquake and tsunami that're supposed to hit the Pacific Northwest soon. I mostly laugh through that one though. It's sorta fun to sit in the back and laugh at freshmen that still haven't figured out how college works.

I'm climbing stuff pretty much every chance I get. I hate being at the rock wall at the gym, mainly because I'm tired of climbing inside no higher than 8 feet off the ground. I got to lead a few routes outside, and I'm really excited for the spring and summer when climbing outside will be the rule, rather than the exception. I screwed up my arm today, which is no fun, but it's part of the price you pay to climb stuff.

My hair is getting really long. I wear it up most of the time now, as long as I'm not walking to class in the frigidly cold Bellingham winter. I've heard from several people that this has been one of Bellingham's coldest winters in a long time. I'm running three layers these days: t-shirt, hoody, and my big, insulated snowboard jacket.

And Chacos with socks.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Yew Nears

I'm really terrible at making New Years' Resolutions. To me, it simply does not make sense to decide on one specific day to undertake the undoing of a habit simply because of the date. It seems to me that if one truly desired change in their life, they wouldn't wait for one specific date to change it. 

I used to try to resolve to do things based upon the year, but I would quickly fall off the wagon about a month or two into my resolution, which I suppose is a testament to my horrendous self-discipline. 

So. I begin this year recognizing the many blessings that God has given me. I also acknowledge that I am definitely imperfect. Thus, I will continue to work on the things in my life that I know need to be worked on. 

I spent my first moments of 2009 playing music with the high school band at Glenwood Community Church. I led camp songs and worship on an acoustic guitar, then filled in for a missing electric guitar player last minute. Having never heard or played several of the songs before, in addition to no prior rehearsal and a really terrible monitor mix, I stumbled through the best I could, but it was really rad to begin the new year doing the three of things I love to do the most; playing music, worshiping God, and talking to the high schoolers whom I spent most of my summer.   

I head back up to Bellingham on Saturday. While I have a lot of friends in Vancouver, I'll definitely be glad to get back up there and started on history stuff again. I'm attempting to take a photography class to break up the analytical nature of my quarter. So hopefully that works out somewhat.