Saturday, December 20, 2008


I'm currently sitting in my parent's kitchen with a cup of coffee using a computer with a reliable internet connection. There's snow everywhere in Vancouver. Not as much as in Bellingham, but it's more of a pain in the butt here. In Bellingham, I could walk everywhere and rely on mass transit to get me places in the freezingly-frigid cold. Here, stuff is a ways out. I'm decided to hole up today, if I don't go snowboarding at a local park. Which I really want to do.

Driving home last night, I got a little overzealous trying to drift a corner on my truck and slammed into a curb. Now, my headlights don't work reliably, but my brights do. Which makes sense, but I really don't want to trace the wire back to find out where the connection is bad. And I really don't want to take it someplace. Yeah, sort of in a pickle. So now I can only drive in the daytime until I get it fixed. We'll see what happens; maybe it'll fix itself.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Saturday- And Finals are DONE

Officially done with finals, which is awesome. I spent last night chillin' with some friends in Kappa, and after playing Guitar Hero for a solid two hours (the first time I had played video games for more than ten minutes since before I started Resident Advisor training at the beginning of September,) then hung out for a bit, which means that I got back to my apartment at about 5:00 AM. Yeah, I know. RE-Diculous. Basically only because finals week is over and I knew I had nothing to do today until 3:00 today.

I should note here that I no longer feel compelled to play violent video games. For some reason video games that are designed to

I get to play my bass this weekend. In like two hours, actually. Super stoked.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Finals Week: Thursday Evening

After killing myself with school for the last two weeks and being super tired all the time, I have finally managed to catch up on sleep to some extent. While I have a take-home final due tomorrow at midnight, I knowingly put it off for a day when I woke up this morning to the sun shining. I called up a few friends and arranged for a climbing adventure to Clayton Beach, to which I hadn't been this year. The tide was high, which made things interesting, but the five of us were able to grind our fingers, arms, and legs into hamburger within the two and a half hours of climbing. I finished a route that I had hoped to much to get by the end of last year and failed (I should note here that when I tried to offer advice to my friends who were attempting it, I realized that I had been completely relaxed and had totally forgotten forgotten how I had done it.) I began trying the second half of an overhanging traverse that I had only been able to get the first two moves on last year. Now, I'm one move away from the top-out, which I have no idea how I'm going to do.

Since then, I have done a bit more hanging out, played the bass, and now I'm on campus using the internet. I feel a lot more rested and I'm getting to be myself again; it's amazing (and terrible) what can happen to someone when they don't read their Bible for two weeks.

I'm playing at CTK this weekend having had no Tuesday rehearsal. Which means Saturday is going to be either a mess or amazing. God has a way of working stuff out, so I'm not too worried about it. For once, I crave rehearsal time. It's a chance to play music, that I know I will spend time playing music, rather than having something else fill up the time, because when I get busy it's hard to justify playing the bass when I could be wandering around barefoot in the library looking at really cool documents.

My body is tired, and I'm going back to my apartment now. Maybe laundry tonight. I sure hope so...I worry about how stinky I am.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Forget how many days I've been here. I've missed too many and my brain is too tired to count back.

Drip coffee is 25 cents up here at any of the markets, the last of which closes at midnight. I have one in-class final, one portfolio of papers that I have been doing throughout the quarter to turn in, my final proposal for my senior paper is due next Tuesday, and one take-home final. YAY history. It's a check-list, and really, I have it pretty good compared to some. I should be able to avoid spending any more super late nights, and CERTAINLY no more all-nighters. I am learning to spend days more wisely, which is definitely a plus and much easier to do now that the weather during the day is crappy. My weekend will be spent in the library running around and typing frantically, but as long as I know I can get my stuff done in the times the library is open I'm totally fine with that.

I have spent a good chunk of time at the rock wall in the last few days. I have broken V3. Officially. I'm excited about that

I'm beginning to get sick, and I'm doing everything I can to fight it off. Which means being in bed by midnight tonight. Which means I stop typing now.