Monday, March 30, 2009

WOW. It's Actually Happening.

I've spent the last few months of my life living in the cave that is Wilson 2w, the microfilm room in Western Washington University's library. Full of primary source documents and the means to access them, it lacks a reliable internet connection and any computers that can be used to figure out what's going on outside of my little history bubble. A shortage of time forced me to forgo my daily edition of the New York Times. All this to say, I have no idea what's going on in this world. As I get back in the loop, I grow increasingly more frustrated with the times of the day.

This article really got me fired up. For years, we've mostly clung to the capitalist market. Competition is good. It keeps prices somewhat low, and keeps the manufacturers responsible for the quality of goods. When a company can no longer remain competitive, it dies off, and makes room for others to enter the market. However, if this last step fails to occur, the system is shaken up and no longer ceases to function as it should.

However, this last step is precisely what is NOT being allowed to happen. The Obama administration is continuing to prop up dying businesses. That's not what fired me up about this article though. The source of this proverbial "riled-up-ness" is this: Obama is quoted as saying that leadership from Washington is what caused the current failure of the American auto industry.

Here's the deal: The American auto industry shouldn't need the leadership of the American government. What it does need is the ability to DIE. I love my Chevy to death, and I really hope that the Feds will allow me to continue driving it in spite of it's emissions problems, but I would rather see GM die than give it more money so that the CEO can keep their summer home. People buy more foreign cars anyway. Cause' they're better.

I'll try to keep more on top of this thing this quarter, as I document the downfall of the American economy. Clinch your buttocks folks: we're going socialist.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's Almost Over

It's Dead Week. Thursday thereof, to be exact. 12:57 PM to be precise.

I am taking a break from final revisions on my History 499 paper. It's the capstone of the history program, so I had to take it, and by the time I was done I have almost 19 pages of double spaced text. That's not including the two that I decided were crap and deleted. At least it didn't come down to a frantic rush for more evidence and information.

I have knots all through by back and neck, including a weird spot in my upper arm that I THINK is a knot, but I'm "knot" sure. HAHA. My hands hurt from the routes I've been trying at the gym to get in shape for our prospective trip to Smith Rock. I'm feeling stronger than I ever have, which is awesome. My fingers are also starting to need the support of climbing tape. It's moments like this one that I remember that I'll feel the abuse I'm giving myself when I'm older.

I've been fairly productive the last few days. I finally cleaned the mold off of our bathroom ceiling, bleaching spots on my sweatshirt in the process. I'm learning new ways to cook Ramen due to my recent fascination with Thai food. I actually bought chicken at the store last night in preparation for Finals Week! Wow. Moving on up. I've been eating a lot of oranges and apples, I now own milk and butter, and I'm starting to hardboil eggs again. I'm constantly hungry these days, and I kinda wish I wasn't; life'd be cheaper.

Yesterday, I found out that I got an 89 on a test that I was sure I'd bombed. It was an amazingly pleasant surprise.

I have just decided that my paper is good enough. Which means I'm going bouldering. That's climbing without a rope and only about 6 ft off the ground. It's hard and painful, but not particularly scary.

Climbing tape is my friend.