Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Day Started Earlier Than Expected

After a later-than-intended evening, I went to bed about two hours past my new bed-time (right around 10:30 PM.) I awoke with a start at about 4:50 AM soaked with sweat from too many sheets, then became even more awake when my roommate returning home at about 5 AM. About five minutes later, I received a strange phone call from a friend. At first I ignored it, but felt uneasy about it. A quick return phone call revealed that my friend was in the hospital and needed a ride home.

Well. Now I'm up.

I have a paper to write today, and I'm about halfway through it. Then I remembered something a fellow musician and worship team member had told me about...a 300W Genz-Benz bass amp that weighed less than 3 lbs. I took a break to investigate and then realized that there was a reason I hadn't looked at gear in a while. I tend to want it. The fact that my acoustic guitar is slowly breaking, the crack in the bridge slowly expanding doesn't make it any easier.

I used to use a lot of gear. Those who have witnessed me on Glenwood's worship team can attest to this. Options are good. Bigger is better.

False. As I enter a stage in my life where frequent relocation is all but imminant, less really is more. My bass amp is shoved under a desk because it's the only place it'll fit. My computer's broken, and thusly my system for playing amp-less is gone. At church, I now plug directly into a direct input box, something I HATED doing at Glenwood. In my closet in Vancouver, I have tubs and drawers full of cables, pedals, strings, tubes, and assorted guitar parts. Oh, to have all that money back. Yet the thought of off-ing a guitar scares me, because I love them and the sounds they make. I really have scared down too. But to think that I could go even more bare bones and be ok with it makes me better able to part with all the stuff I don't use at all.


Back to work.

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