Thursday, May 28, 2009

Shoot. What is Today? Thursday?

The sun is shining here in Bellingham. The little clock on the bottom right hand corner of the screen says that I have 40 minutes until I need to be across campus, sitting, listening to presentations about democracy promotion in various countries. I haven't written for awhile, so I figured I'd give a quick update.

I just finished Revelation today. Which is cool, because I started in Genesis at the beginning of August. Done in 9 months, if my math is correct. That's pretty cool. The plan now is to spend a week in Hebrews, which is hands down my favorite NT book.

I love when people talk on the phone in the library. Loudly. It's my favorite.

Climbing isn't happening as often as I would like it to. In between being tired of all the local spots, it's hard to find climbing buddies, and my left arm is feeling kinda funny, which perhaps has something to do with the awkward bump on my left arm. I'm climbing with my finger taped up, which helps give support to the tendon, but to blow a tendon now would be the worst thing I could do. ANYWAY. I'm going to the doctor today to see what's up. I know. Shocker.

I would love to keep going, but there's people wandering around the library looking for computers, even if it's just to check their Facebook. SO I should go. I'll try to write more later. We'll see how that goes.

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